Inquiry Meditation: The Ultimate Somatic Healing
If you are ready to heal your long-standing emotional triggers, trauma, and childhood wounds...​​
Welcome! ​​
Ready for an adventure? ​​
I’m Leslie, creator of Inquiry Meditation (IM), the uber-powerful somatic healing practice that heals trauma sweetly, gently, and effectively.
I'd love to invite you on an IM Learning Adventure with me!
If you're in: ​​​
Read the rest of this page--not one, but two fabulous free gifts await you in the next sections!
The red lettering at the bottom of each page will guide you from section to section !​​​
A warm bath for your nervous system
Triggered? ​
Click here to begin listening to the 8-Minute Inquiry Meditation Makeover--otherwise known as a warm luxe bubble bath for your nervous system.​​​
(Note: If you play it from your phone, give the screen one gentle scroll down and you'll see the orange circle button that'll play the recording.)​
Want more peace? Just press PLAY. ​​​​​​​​​

Psst! If you love the 8-Min Makeover...
Try my 11-Minute Perfect Daily Meditation for People Who Aren't Good at Meditating! ​
Opt in for your coupon code to access even deeper peace NOW!